PR Training Program Participant Spotlight - Amanda


Today we spotlight Amanda, =PR= training program participant, racer, and customer. Amanda first started running in 2015. Now she is a mom to two little ones who are 14 months apart! Running was a big part of her pregnancy and postpartum experience and she is truly an inspiration to all mommy runners! Thanks Amanda for sharing with us your running journey! Keep reading to learn all about Amanda!

When and how did you get into running?

I started running in 2015 when my husband and I were living in Uganda! I had a really stressful job at the embassy at the time and running was actually my “alone time”, however now I enjoy running with others most!

Tell us about your postpartum running journey.

I have 2 beautiful children! I ran throughout both pregnancies and even ran a half marathon when I was 8 months pregnant last year! I experienced postpartum depression with both of my children and running and staying active have been so crucial for my mental and physical health. My children are only 14 months apart and my oldest was born with a physical disability so sometimes finding the time and energy to get out there is tough. I’m grateful for my husband who has been a supportive partner and amazing Dad when it comes to getting my runs in. I’ve spent the last year proving to myself I could make the time to train with the help of my small village to build back my distance and endurance! I ran Marine Corps Marathon in October and I was so happy to have my family there to cheer me on! I’m looking forward to diving into some more serious training in the new year with my run coach!

What is your proudest running moment?

Oh man this a tough one! I would say this year’s Marine Corps Marathon. It started out really well! I was running strong in the beginning on track for a PR and then my hands started swelling and my HR spiked. I made the safest smartest choice I could have made in that moment and walked the majority of the second half of the race. So why is this my proudest moment? Because I kept a positive attitude the whole time and kept a smile! Having a child who will likely never walk gives you motivation and determination that’s hard to put into words. I have a body that allows me to move and run with little limitation and I will never take that for granted and continue to find joy and gratitude in hard moments.

What is your best race memory?

At the end of 2020 I ran the UltraMARAthon that ran through the Masai Mara Conservancy in Kenya! It was one of the most incredible experiences! I ran past zebra, wildebeest, water buffalo, wart hogs and even had to run along side a park ranger's truck for protection with strict instructions to hop in if the elephant 100 ft away got any ideas and started charging! All of my time running in Kenya was incredible (and humbling!)

What are your 2024 running goals?

I want to run at least one race a month, work towards a marathon PR, increase my speed and run my age in miles on my birthday (I’ll be 39 this year!) My most important goals though are to run happy, have fun and stay injury free!

Any advice for moms looking to get into running?

Find a tribe and other women who build each other up! Moms Run This Town has been amazing for me and the other women are so encouraging! There's almost always someone to run with too! PR training programs are also a great way to meet other runners and get professional coaching. There are also other local running clubs like Trottin Oxen (Ashburn), Trails and Ales (Vienna) and Herndon Old Town Happy Hour runners just to name a few!

Anything else you want to tell us?

My two favorite mantras are “You can do hard things!” and “If you can’t get over it, Run through it!”